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LOCATION: Catbird Hotel - 3770 Walnut St

CATEGORY: Tools for the Creative Life


  • Thursday, Mar 21, 2024  5:30pm - 7:30pm

Tools for the Creative Life

This photography workshop builds on last year's (2023's Tools for the Creative Life: Capturing your Artwork) focus on capturing artwork for print and digital media. This year, we're taking a closer look at the art of capturing artists at work and documenting the evolution of their creations. Whether you're a novice or an enthusiast, you'll gain invaluable insights into basic camera settings, gimbal setups/camera moves, and the nuances of capturing the essence of art in progress.

Learn the art of approaching artists, understanding the etiquette of working in their space, and honing in on your camera movements and angles that best showcase their work. The workshop features live painting sessions with artists, offering a hands-on experience to refine your skills under the expert guidance of Dittlo.

Bring your own gear for personalized advice on setup and usage or explore the curated selection of professional demo equipment to enhance your capture technique. Join us for a blend of informative discussions and practical sessions designed to elevate your documentation skills and celebrate the creative journey!

Door open at 5:30 for mingling. Light food and drink provided. Event program starts at 6pm.

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