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We heard your feedback!

This fall, we created a number of opportunities for community members to provide their feedback about whether they support or oppose the 2900 block of Larimer Street remaining closed to vehicles in 2024, and potential improvements they would like to see if it were to remain closed. Many community members participated in the online questionnaire that was live from November 3-30 and the in-person Community Information Meeting that was held on November 28.

All the feedback was collected and compiled into a community feedback summary report. Please review the report to see what the community thinks!

Community Feedback Summary Report

This community feedback summary report will be sent to the city as part of the city’s process to understand if the street may remain closed or not in 2024. RiNo will continue to move forward in the city’s process, and while this process is underway, the 2900 block will remain closed. Be sure to check back here for more info as the process continues!

Learn More About This Initiative

Why has the street been closed to vehicles and open to pedestrians?

The 2900 block of Larimer Street has been closed to vehicles since July 2020 through the city’s temporary Outdoor Places Program, which is a program the city created to encourage the expansion of outdoor spaces into rights-of-way to support local businesses and provide additional public space during the pandemic.

What could happen to the 2900 block of Larimer Street in 2024?

Due to the success of the temporary Outdoor Places Program, the city has formalized it and has a new process for keeping streets closed. This process requires community engagement and a mobility study to document if the 2900 block of Larimer Street can remain closed in 2024. If the data shows support for the street to remain closed, the 2900 block would be closed to vehicles in 2024 and improvements would be made based on community feedback. If the data shows support for the street to reopen, then the street would completely reopen to vehicles in 2024. If the street reopens to vehicles in 2024, there is still an opportunity for the businesses on the 2900 block to work with the city to have above or below curb patios.

Business owners on the 2900 block have formed a non-profit that supports the street closure and this non-profit is committed to help fund and maintain the improvements that would occur if the street were to remain closed in the future. These potential improvements are reflected in the images below:

If the street were to remain successfully closed over several years, there is an opportunity to envision the future of the 2900 block as a vital community amenity and redevelop the 2900 block with permanent new features. An example of the future vision of the street is reflected below:

Download/View PDF of plans & perspectives

Questions? Contact: Sarah Cawrse | Director of Urban Strategy and Design |