Free Legal Help for Artists and Creatives!
Colorado Attorneys for the Arts (CAFTA) connects artists of all kinds with legal services and education statewide. CAFTA's legal referral service seeks to connect qualified artists and creative entities to volunteer attorneys willing to provide pro bono legal assistance on arts-related matters. These matters include contract drafting and negotiation, copyright and trademark protection, business formation, employment, real estate and other transactional legal matters to advance your creative work. In addition, CAFTA provides regular legal education, including webinars, in-person presentations and online resources. CAFTA is available to anyone working in the creative industries, including visual arts, music, performing arts, film, writing and more! Learn more about CAFTA's services and apply for a referral at coloradoattorneysforthearts.org. Questions? Contact CAFTA@cbca.org. CAFTA is a program of Colorado Business Committee for the Arts (CBCA).