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The RiNo BID

The RiNo Business Improvement District (BID) was established in 2015 to champion local artists, creatives and businesses to support a vibrant, engaged and inclusive RiNo Art District.

Commercial property owners within the BID boundaries fund the RiNo BID through property taxes based on assessed property value to leverage resources for the benefit of the entire district and its community. These property taxes are used to generate funding for services the BID provides that have been developed and prioritized by property and business owners of the RiNo Art District.

Since 2015, the RiNo BID has funded projects, programs, and initiatives to support and implement the BID’s services. The BID’s four key areas of service were established to foster a thriving community, support local businesses, artists and entrepreneurs, and enhance the district’s unique urban character:

  • Advocacy: The unified voice of RiNo on all matters related to preserving and advancing the district’s unique character through representation, promotion of planning and development, policy, and partnerships. Examples of the BID’s work include:
    • Dedicated staff to advocate for RiNo’s needs and leverage resources for improvements.
    • Secured infrastructure improvements, including new stop signs, crosswalks, and a pedestrian bridge.
    • Lobbied for the adaptive reuse of city-owned buildings to create RiNo ArtPark, which now houses community programming, performance spaces, affordable artist studios, a new branch of Denver Public Library and more.
  • Branding, Marketing & Activation: The facilitation and development of the RiNo brand, as well as creating and delivering an experience that encourages locals and visitors to explore RiNo through marketing, events, and programming. Examples of the BID’s work include:
    • Developed the RiNo brand to identify the area.
    • Promoted RiNo through events like First Fridays, enhancing its cultural and creative presence.
    • Conducted media outreach to support broad awareness and tourism locally, regionally and nationally.
    • Brought hundreds of thousands of visitors through our support of signature events like DENVER WALLS.
  • Placemaking: The work to retain the unique urban and industrial character of RiNo, integrating culture and creativity into the environment, delivering appropriate enhancements to the public realm, adding pedestrian amenities, and activating the area. Examples of the BID’s work include:
    • Created a recycling and trash collection program for the district.
    • Developed and implemented the RiNo Art District Design Standards to guide public and private development to align with the district's values.
    • Launched various beautification and public space enhancement projects that integrate art, creativity and accessibility into the community.
  • Business Support for RiNo Creatives and Entrepreneurs: The leadership role in keeping RiNo affordable and promoting its local talent, creatives, and entrepreneurs through advocacy, programming and direct support, amplifying the creative and cultural offerings in the district, and promoting economic vitality. Examples of the BID’s work include:
    • Provided more than $2.3 million to local creatives and $225,000 to support local organizations.

A full summary of the Business Improvement District’s efforts in its first nine years is available here.

BID Renewal Process

The RiNo Business Improvement District (BID) is approaching its initial 10-year term and must go through a renewal process to evaluate the BID’s effectiveness. This process requires the RiNo BID Board to solicit property owner input through a public hearing to assess the effectiveness and success of the BID. If the BID is deemed successful, the BID Board will make a recommendation of continuation to City Council.

The BID Board’s goal for the renewal process is to do community engagement and outreach (in addition to the required public hearing) to receive feedback from property owners who pay into the district about the effectiveness of the BID, while also creating an understanding of the impact the BID has had on the RiNo Art District’s broader community of business owners, employees, residents, and visitors that help create a vibrant district. The RiNo BID has hired a consultant, GBSM, to assist with the renewal process.

Community Engagement and Outreach Process Graphic

Get Involved

Stay tuned for opportunities to get involved in the RiNo BID renewal process!