LOCATION: Laura Phelps Rogers - 3240 Larimer St
RiNo ARTIST: Laura Phelps Rogers
CATEGORIES: Call For Artists | Classes + Programs
- Fri, Jan 1, 2021 - Wed, Dec 31, 2025
The community local and visiting are invited to join the sculptural quilt by creating their own piece to be joined with over 800 others.
The remote project participation packets are featured as part of the installation of the project and are available at the fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery during business hours. The completed pieces will be added to the project while on view as part of this leg of the project.
Local or Remote participation welcome contact:
Facilitating artist Laura Phelps Rogers
Studio: 3240 Larimer St., RiNo, Denver, CO 80205
303-641-3472 email - lauraphelpsrogers@foolproofcontemporaryart.com
Small donations to assist the project grow and travel are relished but not required. $3 or $6 including glue per participation piece is most appreciated.
Overall Project Description:
The Art In The Everyday Community Quilt Project - Is a community driven social engagement public art project. Art is utilized as the foundation. The facilitating artist fosters individual creative thinking while connecting participants into a unique traveling sculpture to create community. Together the completed individual pieces are brought into the quilt form. The project interprets the historical use of quilts as a documentary & genealogical means to preserve familial memories. Through its unified form, the project showcases the community created by the participants. The project celebrates & records the individual pieces contributed, now over 800. A celebration of each person, their story, interests & their response to the everyday is portrayed by their individual contribution. The project continues to grow & connect participants, as well as viewers as it travels. Participants are invited to follow & interact with the project, cite their participation all while celebrating everyday objects, interests & thoughts of each participant.
Nearby Galleries + Studio Buildings
- fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery
3240 Larimer St (adjacent) - Dry Ice Factory (DIF)
3300 Walnut St (420 feet N) - RiNo Art District Studios on Blake
3040 Blake St (0.2 miles W) - Dateline
3004 Larimer St (0.2 miles SW) - Walnut Workshop
3525 Walnut St (0.3 miles NE)
Nearby Places to Eat + Drink
- Dio Mio
3264 Larimer St (127 feet NE) - The Infinite Monkey Theorem
3200 Larimer St (222 feet SW) - Mister Oso
3163 Larimer St (381 feet SW) - Improper City
3201 Walnut St (509 feet W) - Rush Bowls
3354 Larimer St (539 feet NE)
Nearby Murals
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fooLPRoof contemporary art alley (73 feet SE) - Gamma + Pat Milbery
3121 Larimer (564 feet SW) - SmugOne
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Self Storage Bldg (706 feet NW)