LOCATION: RiNo Art District Studios on Blake - 3040 Blake St
CATEGORY: Studio Space
- Sat, Feb 1, 2025 - Mon, Mar 31, 2025
Availability at Studios on Blake, located in the heart of RiNo. All studios are between 200-250 square feet. High ceilings, natural light, exposed brick. Everything is included, heat in the winter, air conditioning in the summer, shared kitchen space, water, slop sink, WiFi, 24-hour access. No long term lease. Month to month, 30 days’ notice, with one month’s security deposit. $600-$650 per month.
Contact: rob@rinoartdistrict.org
Work only, no living. No ceramics, glass blowing or wood working per Denver Fire Department
Nearby Galleries + Studio Buildings
- Dateline
3004 Larimer St (653 feet SE) - fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery
3240 Larimer St (0.2 miles E) - Dry Ice Factory (DIF)
3300 Walnut St (0.3 miles NE) - The Rocketspace, Bandspaces LLC
2711 Larimer St (0.3 miles SW) - 73 Art Agency
2601 Blake St (0.4 miles SW)
Nearby Places to Eat + Drink
- Backyard on Blake
3040 Blake St (51 feet NE) - The Walnut Room
3131 Walnut St (498 feet NE) - Shake Shack
2995 Larimer St (614 feet SE) - The Block Distilling Co.
2990 Larimer St (691 feet SE) - Odell Brewing Company
2945 Larimer St (735 feet S)
Nearby Murals
- Endangered Species Coalition Collab: Patrick Maxcy
Epic Brewing (223 feet SE) - Johnny Draco, Aisha Renee, See One, Cya The Creator, JUST, Myah Mazcara
29th & Blake (517 feet SW) - PS Design
PS Design Warehouse (556 feet SW) - Denver Walls - Squid Licker
Urban Green (556 feet NE) - LYFR
Rackhouse (664 feet SW)