In 2018, the RiNo Art District contracted with transportation planning firm Nelson\Nygaard to conduct a comprehensive mobility study that examined parking supply and policy, multimodal infrastructure, and travel patterns within the district. The study included robust community participation and culminated in an action plan that recommended a transit circulator to improve mobility in the district.
In 2020, the RiNo Art District commissioned Nelson\Nygaard to carry out a deeper dive into the market demand and community interest for a transit circulator. This report summarizes the key findings, community feedback, and recommendations of the North Denver Circulator Study.
The North Denver Circulator Study kicked off in September 2020 with RiNo, City of Denver, and RTD representatives convening to discuss key opportunities, establish project goals, and identify key stakeholders.
The first phase of the study included a comprehensive analysis of existing market and transportation conditions within the study area. This phase also included a review of transit circulators successfully implemented in Denver and other cities.
The second phase of the study focused on the development of route alternatives based on phase one findings. Several stakeholder meetings were held to better understand community needs and preferences. After multiple iterations of refining route alignments, a preferred alternative emerged, consisting of two routes.
The final phase of the study focused on identifying circulator stop locations, potential partners, and implementation steps.
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