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Event Submission Form:

For Truss House Events & RiNo Art District Member Events

Posting on the website is a benefit offered to RiNo Art District member supporters.
Not a member yet? Find out more HERE.

Please use this form to submit* special events, exhibits, shows, etc. for posting on the website calendars.

***Please only submit events WITHIN the RiNo Art District***

SUBMISSION LIMIT: 3 per member per month. Consider choosing only the top three and/or combining similar events into one submission (e.g. "June Live Music Lineup").

HELPFUL HINTS (to avoid issues receiving your submission!):

  • Links: Include any appropriate urls within the Event Description field so that links can be created. PLEASE INCLUDE TICKET LINKS if applicable!
  • Date: Please REMEMBER to enter the date of the event/offer (not the date you submit)!
  • Multiple dates: Only enter a Last Date if there are multiple occurrences or if the event/offer is ongoing (such as an exhibition) - an event that goes to midnight or after is still considered a single day event.
  • Multiple events/offers: Please consider combining similar events/offers at one location into one submission and include the separate dates within the description. Use the span between the first event and the last event for the date fields.

*PLEASE NOTE: an auto confirmation will pop up if your submission went through. Submissions will usually be posted within a few days - the easiest way to check the status of your submission is to visit your member page.

If you have updates to something already posted or if you have problems submitting, contact

Fields marked with * are required

Your Information

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Please provide a valid email address

Event Information

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This field is required
Please select location above or describe below
If your venue does not appear in this drop down, please provide venue details below.
This field is required
Enter venue information here if your venue does not appear in the drop down above.
PNG or JPG only. Max file size: 5MB.